Q: What is the ranked rating adjustment system?
A: Rating adjustment, in short, is a system that adjusts the rating of all players in a match if the match is considered to have been unfair.
Q: What is an unfair match?
A: If, after a ranked match has concluded, a participating player is found to be guilty of hacking or ghosting (providing crucial information to the opposite team), the match is considered unfair. Regardless of whether the guilty player has won or lost the match, the match is deemed to have been unfair.
Q: How does the system adjust my rating?
A: If you were on the winning team, the rating adjustment system will reduce your current ranked rating. If you were on the losing team, the rating adjustment system will increase your current ranked rating.
Q: How much will my ranked rating change?
A: The rating adjustment system analyzes how the unfair match affected your ranked rating and, based on several factors, will determine the amount of rating change that is necessary. The rating adjustment system cannot change your ranked rating more than the ranked match itself.
Example: If you lose a ranked match and lose 20 ranked rating points, and the match is later found to have been unfair, you can be granted up to 20 ranked rating points. You cannot be granted more than 20 ranked rating points from the adjustment for that ranked match.
Q: How do I know if my ranked rating has been adjusted?
A: When logging into the game, you will be greeted with a rating adjustment screen if you have been affected by rating adjustment:
Q: Can I surrender if I am sure a player is hacking/ghosting and still have my rating adjusted?
A: Yes. Although not all players can accurately determine whether someone is hacking/ghosting or not if you and your team agree to surrender in a match and the match is later found to have been unfair, all players in the match will have their ranked rating adjusted accordingly.
Note: If you are sure a player on the opposite team is hacking, it is beneficial to record video evidence of their actions before voting to surrender. After the match is concluded, you can report the player with video evidence to the in-game support (Main Menu > Settings > General > HELP). That will speed up the hacker review process and lead to your ranked rating being adjusted sooner.
Q: I was unaware of a hacker/ghost in my match.
A: Whether you are aware of such a player being present in your match or not, when they are found to have been hacking or ghosting, ratings of all players from that match will be adjusted accordingly.
Q: I was not partying with the hacker/ghoster. Why was my rating reduced?
A: The rating adjustment system does not target individual players to adjust their ratings but compensates all players for a particular match. Any ranked match played with a hacker or a ghoster is considered unfair for either team. Thus, the rating adjustment system will compensate all participating players’ ranked rating points for the occurrence of the match.
Q: I do not see any banned players in my ranked match history. Why was my rating affected?
A: Rating adjustment applies to matches beyond your visible ranked match history. That is why you may not be able to see any banned players in your ranked match history.
Q: How do I know which matches my rating has been adjusted for? How do I know how many matches my ranked rating has been adjusted for?
A: Players cannot see which matches or how many matches the rating has been adjusted for.
Q: I have lost against a hacker, but my rating was reduced. Why did that happen?
A: If the hacker has been banned, and your rating adjustment screen displays your rating being reduced, it means the following scenario occurred:
You lost a match against a hacker, and your rating has increased due to the rating compensation. However, you have also won a couple of matches, which were also found to have been unfair. For those matches, your rating was reduced due to rating compensation. The total rating adjustment will likely be a negative rating change, even though your rating was increased for the match you lost against the hacker.